
lorenz curve meaning in Chinese



  1. Analysis of the industrial pollution status in sichuan province using lorenz curve
  2. I believe that this development is one reason why the measured distribution of income in hong kong has become more skewed - an increase in the gini coefficient or the area between the lorenz curve and the " diagonal " of even distribution
  3. To characterize scale - free network topology more intuitively and profoundly , lorenz curve and gini coefficient which describe income inequality in economics are generalized into complex networks where people in economics are corresponding to nodes in networks and income is corresponding to node degree
  4. A new analytical expression of heterogeneous spatial precipitation is given which are the lorenz curve and the coefficient of gini . we can express the degree of heterogeneous about the spatial distribution of precipitation by use of this method , and we can declare whether it is possible have the fond or not
    文章引进了一种新的描述非均匀性的方法:洛仑兹( lorenz )曲线和基尼系数,利用它们可以更加准确的表示出降水量场空间分布的非均匀程度,并能据此判定有无洪涝灾害形成可能。

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